On this page our users can search for available transport offers according to specified direction. All transport offers sorted by enter date.
Transport type: Road transport | Tonnage 22 ton, Capacity 45000 m3 |
ROUTE INFORMATION From: |  | bandar abbas | To: |  | ----------- | Date: | 08 May 2013 - 08 May 2015 |
Avatarabarshargh Yaghoubi
Dear sir
Hi.have nice day.thank so much for your attention.
we are Iranian International Transportation company .
we carry all kind of cargoes from B.Abbas to another countries.
main cargoes include use car , use auto parts , alloy wheels, used engine ., oil , .....
we transit this cargoes to Afghanistan . Iraq, Turkmenistan,.......
if you have cargo for this countries . we will happy with proud carry to other countries.
email : avatarabarshargh@yahoo.com
mob: +98 915 1259713
tel: +98 511 8590661 ,8530699
fax: +98 511 8591727
site : www.avatarabarshargh.com
| | OWNER CONTACT DATA Company: avatarabarshargh INT'l TPT Person: Ms .Maryam
 | | +985118590661 |
 | | abbuzar.jan |
Transport type: Road transport | Tonnage 20 ton, Capacity 92 m3 |
Transport type: Road transport | Tonnage 20 ton, Capacity 92 m3 |
Transport type: Road transport | Tonnage 20 ton, Capacity 92 m3 |
Transport type: Road transport | Tonnage 20 ton, Capacity 92 m3 |
Transport type: Road transport | Tonnage 20 ton, Capacity 92 m3 |
Transport type: Road transport | Tonnage 20 ton, Capacity 92 m3 |
Transport type: Road transport | Tonnage 20 ton, Capacity 92 m3 |
Transport type: Road transport | Tonnage 20 ton, Capacity 92 m3 |
Transport type: Road transport | Tonnage 20 ton, Capacity 92 m3 |
About GRUZtransport project